Do you feel ready to reconnect with the sacred wisdom of the heart?

Your heart isn’t just an organ, it is a sacred portal, a gateway to infinite love, higher consciousness, divine truth and the boundless possibility that lies within you. YET so many of us sit here today with guarded hearts. Burdened by past pain or fear, dimming its light, its song, its power - blocking us from experiencing the fullness of life.

How are you tending to your heart today?

Does it feel open and alive or is it burdened by pain and hesitation?

What would it feel like to release the chains holding it back?

Healing the heart is the greatest gift you can give yourself; it is the most profound act of selfcare that brings freedom, connection and peace.

Healing your heart awakens the infinite within you.

I am deep in my journey of healing my heart. It wasn’t until I actively began connecting with it, embracing its sacred space that I realised how closed off it had been. Holding the weight of its armour, preventing me from fully feeling its capacity to love. It felt so numb, sometimes I would even struggle to connect in with its beat. In meditation when I would hear ‘visualise your heart’ I would struggle to often create a visual or be able to attach to it. Around a year ago I attended a beautiful ceremony and when I received the plant medicine Sanaga it felt as though it shot straight to my heart and the armour that shielded it cracked ever so slightly... offft the tears flowed out of me. 

Over the past year I have been actively connecting back to my heart as a way to help support its healing. I still have a long way to go but I can feel its beat, I can connect in with its power and my gosh do I feel its capacity to give and receive.

The balance of giving and receiving creates a continuous cycle of renewal, where love flows like water yet continuously returns to its source.

Connecting with my heart has heightened my intuition, it has deepened my devotion to god and spirit and most importantly it has increased my capacity to feel love and give love.

Here are a few tips that have helped me:

  • Breathe Deeply – inhale possibility, exhale pain. Breathe fully into the heart space.

  • Body Scanning – connect in with any tightness within the heart/chest space. Bring in massage and gentle touch

  • Feel Fully – let tears flow, let your heart be unbound and allow the emotion that surrounds it to be expressed

  • Find Forgiveness – in forgiveness lies freedom

  • Express Love & Compassion – engage in acts of kindness and embrace relationships with empathy and understanding

  • Practice Gratitude – let your love expand as you acknowledge the love and beauty that surrounds you

 Healing your heart is a journey but it starts with listening to and connecting with your body. 

Do you feel ready to reconnect with the sacred wisdom of your heart?